Sunday, May 1, 2016

Notes from Maria

Notes in Red....

When I spoke to Maria, the representative at FedLoan Servicing, she said that the people who make up the magical amount that we must pay per month were sitting around her. They are "certified to do the processing." She said that this is done in a database, in a computer. She mumbled something about 7.125% and calculated the $308/month. So I guess I don't pay groceries or gas in my car or say the light bill. Right. So magically they came up with $118.60 last year, and even though my pay only increased by $50 a month, they came up with $400 a month. Sorry, $463 a month. From $118.60. I will check with them on Friday to see if the Application was sent for something other than IBR, since that's not gonna help, and if it isn't, I'll see if I can download and get this ball rolling for them to magically come up with something lower than $463/month.

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