Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Week 2 of Being Annoying

A post in black.

As I promised the universe, I will call every Tuesday until they give me a new lower rate and I can continue on the Forgiveness Program.

Called on 7/18/17 and talked to Bob #616432. Very funny guy, used to live in Florida. And I talked to him while it was a straight down-pour during lunch. He confirmed that I am good with the forbearance until the end of August. He said if I faxed it last week give it 7-10 business days. I should hear something by the 2nd or 3rd of August what my new payment would be. Called at 12:08 and got to Bob at 12:18 p.m. Ended the call at 12:21p.m.

So we wait until next week...

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