Saturday, July 29, 2017

A post in grey.

Called Student Loans on 7/27/17 at 12:43p.m. Got someone on the phone at 12:49 p.m. Jonathan, #612483, was nice enough. He told me he could actually see my application. All the pages of it. There's a link to my tax return. He said I should be good. I asked many times do I need to provide anything, anything missing, did I not sign He said I was fine. Ended the call at 12:53p.m.
Let's see what they do....

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Week 2 of Being Annoying

A post in black.

As I promised the universe, I will call every Tuesday until they give me a new lower rate and I can continue on the Forgiveness Program.

Called on 7/18/17 and talked to Bob #616432. Very funny guy, used to live in Florida. And I talked to him while it was a straight down-pour during lunch. He confirmed that I am good with the forbearance until the end of August. He said if I faxed it last week give it 7-10 business days. I should hear something by the 2nd or 3rd of August what my new payment would be. Called at 12:08 and got to Bob at 12:18 p.m. Ended the call at 12:21p.m.

So we wait until next week...

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Step two in 2017

a post in white.

So it seems that we will do this every year for the next 7 years.


I called on 7/12/17 and talked to Amber #15501. She said that they did get the application I faxed. But I sent in a pay stub. Need the first two pages of my tax return. I asked if they lost them since I sent them THE FIRST TIME IN APRIL!
'Oh no, we have them. Don't resend them.'
They will process my work within 7-10 business days. I'm on forbearance until August 31st. She said she saw in the computer that I'm on the Forgiveness Program Track and she said don't send any money - it won't count towards my forgiveness. I had to take the verbal oath of unpaid interest increases blah blah blah. Nothing negative on my credit report and they will send a letter. No idea WHEN but one will be sent.
Like the letter that they were supposed to have sent in APRIL TO DENY MY APPLICATION?????

I want to be so done with FedLoan Servicing and stupid student loans.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

They're Screwing with me

*Post in Profanity*

Now they're just f*&^ing with me. That's exactly what they're doing. F**&* these people. I got the letter from them stating that they NEVER RECEIVED my paperwork to re certify, which I sent in April. I found out from some French guy on the phone today that they denied my paperwork because I used the outdated form THAT THEY SENT ME. I never got a notification that I was denied. Ever. So the French guy sent me an email so I can re certify online or print out the application. And sure enough, French guy sent it and he did what he said he would. 

So I'm sitting here when I have time to go onto this whole new website for me and create a new FSA ID and sh&t and after creating a new password it tells me it doesn't like it. So I went through and answered my questions and then it locked  me out and says I can't log on again for 30 minutes.

They're just f*&^ing with me. Go**& Da8&&n fu*&UJbers. All of them. They're doing this to stall me and prevent me from being on-time with my recertifcation.


Here we go again...2017

 A post in purple.

So....I did what they wanted. They sent me the request to prove my income. I sent a copy of my tax return. And I waited. And I waited. It's been months. And now, in July, they say they want $832.06 a month starting in August. 


I have been paying $189 a month. I can in no way go from $189 to $832. 

So, again, I waste my lunch on the phone today talking to some clueless person who will go through the whole thing all over again and I swear over the phone that I will pay back this loan yadah yadah yadah. 

Chuck thinks they took my paycheck to be every week instead of biweekly. And it's my fault that I didn't keep copies. I hope I learned my lesson.