Friday, August 11, 2017

A post in Yellow.

Letter Dated August 2, 2017

They recalculated my monthly payment for Income-Based Repayment (IBR) plan. It's now $163.21/monthly. Due on 9/5/17 for 12 months.

Why do I need to do this every year? Why the battle? Why the non-communication? Why is it me that always has to call them every week until something is done?

I hope others out there have better luck. But i have 7 years to go...

Saturday, July 29, 2017

A post in grey.

Called Student Loans on 7/27/17 at 12:43p.m. Got someone on the phone at 12:49 p.m. Jonathan, #612483, was nice enough. He told me he could actually see my application. All the pages of it. There's a link to my tax return. He said I should be good. I asked many times do I need to provide anything, anything missing, did I not sign He said I was fine. Ended the call at 12:53p.m.
Let's see what they do....

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Week 2 of Being Annoying

A post in black.

As I promised the universe, I will call every Tuesday until they give me a new lower rate and I can continue on the Forgiveness Program.

Called on 7/18/17 and talked to Bob #616432. Very funny guy, used to live in Florida. And I talked to him while it was a straight down-pour during lunch. He confirmed that I am good with the forbearance until the end of August. He said if I faxed it last week give it 7-10 business days. I should hear something by the 2nd or 3rd of August what my new payment would be. Called at 12:08 and got to Bob at 12:18 p.m. Ended the call at 12:21p.m.

So we wait until next week...

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Step two in 2017

a post in white.

So it seems that we will do this every year for the next 7 years.


I called on 7/12/17 and talked to Amber #15501. She said that they did get the application I faxed. But I sent in a pay stub. Need the first two pages of my tax return. I asked if they lost them since I sent them THE FIRST TIME IN APRIL!
'Oh no, we have them. Don't resend them.'
They will process my work within 7-10 business days. I'm on forbearance until August 31st. She said she saw in the computer that I'm on the Forgiveness Program Track and she said don't send any money - it won't count towards my forgiveness. I had to take the verbal oath of unpaid interest increases blah blah blah. Nothing negative on my credit report and they will send a letter. No idea WHEN but one will be sent.
Like the letter that they were supposed to have sent in APRIL TO DENY MY APPLICATION?????

I want to be so done with FedLoan Servicing and stupid student loans.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

They're Screwing with me

*Post in Profanity*

Now they're just f*&^ing with me. That's exactly what they're doing. F**&* these people. I got the letter from them stating that they NEVER RECEIVED my paperwork to re certify, which I sent in April. I found out from some French guy on the phone today that they denied my paperwork because I used the outdated form THAT THEY SENT ME. I never got a notification that I was denied. Ever. So the French guy sent me an email so I can re certify online or print out the application. And sure enough, French guy sent it and he did what he said he would. 

So I'm sitting here when I have time to go onto this whole new website for me and create a new FSA ID and sh&t and after creating a new password it tells me it doesn't like it. So I went through and answered my questions and then it locked  me out and says I can't log on again for 30 minutes.

They're just f*&^ing with me. Go**& Da8&&n fu*&UJbers. All of them. They're doing this to stall me and prevent me from being on-time with my recertifcation.


Here we go again...2017

 A post in purple.

So....I did what they wanted. They sent me the request to prove my income. I sent a copy of my tax return. And I waited. And I waited. It's been months. And now, in July, they say they want $832.06 a month starting in August. 


I have been paying $189 a month. I can in no way go from $189 to $832. 

So, again, I waste my lunch on the phone today talking to some clueless person who will go through the whole thing all over again and I swear over the phone that I will pay back this loan yadah yadah yadah. 

Chuck thinks they took my paycheck to be every week instead of biweekly. And it's my fault that I didn't keep copies. I hope I learned my lesson.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Interesting Article

A post in goldenrod.

It's not my article, but I'm so glad I'm really not the only one in this hell. So far I'm waiting for them to tell me how much I owe now that I'm married to a man who doesn't have student loans and makes a lot less than I do. Combined income puts us at around $25,000 yearly. So do they want $400, $500/month? *sigh*

Help Me Howard...

Jessica Morante: “If I had it to do all over again, I would not go to college, a hundred percent.”
Jessica knew we couldn’t solve her student loan problem. She just wanted people to know how it’s affecting the lives of so many people. And Congressman Curbelo’s staff told me they want to work with her to see if they can help her out.
Also, there are websites with suggestions about reducing the burden of college loans. The links for them can be found below. Hopefully, there is something there to help you.
One day someone will clue the high school seniors in before they head to college....

Sunday, April 2, 2017

2017 - Here we go...

A Post in Red.

So, as per their usual, the FedLoan Serving sent a letter. They need me to re-somethingorother this year. And they gave me a website.

I sent the letter back with a note of my own: "Please send me an application. I am not able to do this online."

I want things in writing. These Mo Fo's have my money for the next seven years. I need things in writing. 

Plus, I still read online that I should submit an application for the Forgiveness Program so that they can keep count of every eligible payment. That's good. I'd like to know where they think I"m at. I think I have 7 more years. Then I need to find something else to blog about....