Thursday, June 16, 2016

Giving Up for the Moment

A Post in Bold Yellow

FedLoan Servicing denied me again, stating:

"We reviewed your Invome-Driven Repayment plan form and denied your request for the following reasons CONFLICTING INFORMATION: Your IDR application indicated that you are submitting your annual recalculation, but it is too early for you to recertify. If you intend this to be an immediate recalculation, please complete a new application."

I have choice words for them, but I will not type those words here. 

I instead wrote them a note and put it in an envelope with the same note they gave me, and my note said: 

Dear Fedloan Servicing -
You're wasting my time. If I don't have to send you anything, then I won't, just like your call center told me. If I NEED to send you a form, then SEND ME THE FORM TO FILL OUT. I can't fill out a form if you don't send one.

That sealed envelope with letter was in the mailbox all day. I got home and it was still there. That was God telling me not to send the nasty little note. So I have it here, and I'll just wait for them to decide on something. It's a pain in the ass. I really, really don't want anyone else to take out student loans...ever.

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