Thursday, October 11, 2018

A possible Ploy

A post in deep purple.

So, I took time off work to call this morning. They answered pretty quick at 8:37 a.m. only waiting a minute on hold. Spoke to Erica #607588 and she said my status is STILL under review since the last time I called. Nothing has been done and she doesn't know why. She asked if I was on the Forgiveness Program and I said I was. She put something in the computer to speed this up. She said by next Wednesday something should be decided. There's a "working arch or processor" that needs to see my work and they've dropped the ball.

Also, my payment for October doesn't count towards the 120 payments because I "opted - out " so that I could change from one payment plan to another. 

Well this shit needs to come to an end so that November's payment counts, damn it! I wish I could talk to someone who is above the people I call in order to make October's payment count because it wasn't MY FAULT they can't get their shit together.

Stupid, stupid student loans. May my nieces NEVER HAVE THEM!

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