Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Confirmation in 2021

 A post in basic white.

So I got an email from FedLoan Servicing about getting a refund from the money I've already paid since the new president put us all in deferment. And that I have to re-submit my employment info. So I called 800-699-2908 and first spoke to Tory, #625551 on 5/19/21 at 10:09 a.m. He confirmed the email and said not to make any payments until September 30, 2021 and he said I can get a refund on the money I've already paid if I wanted to. I did admit to this agent that I didn't trust his company so that's why I made payments. He was very silent. After talking to him, I hung up and then called back to talk to Kyra, #623746, at 10:20 a.m. I asked about the recertification that I already did and she confirmed it was a General notice. I don't have to reconfirm until August.

I still don't trust the government, but I have new bills coming due that need to be paid. And they have nothing to do with Student Loans...

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